Working for Good: Making a Difference While Making a Living [Paperback]
Working for Good: Making a Difference While Making a Living [Paperback]

Working for Good: Making a Difference While Making a Living [Paperback]

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Part Number:ISBN 1591797268 94700B
Jeff Klein (Author)

This practical guidebook for becoming a conscious entrepreneur is designed to inspire, inform, engage, activate, and assist readers in their pursuit of building and operating a conscious enterprise.

Author Jeff Klein says, モMy passion and calling over the past three decades has been to explore and discover ways to become ever more human and fully present in the context of my work, to realize my highest potential to make the most substantial impact for the greatest good, and to support others to do the same.ヤ

Working for Good has received the following awards:

2010 Gold Nautilus Awardï¾—Conscious Business/Leadership
2010 Bronze Axiom Business Book Awardï¾—Entrepreneurship
2010 Bronze Independent Publisher Book Awardsï¾—Business/Career/Sales

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