Woman's Magic (RWW)
Woman's Magic (RWW)

Woman's Magic (RWW)

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Part Number:ISBN 1578632218-RWW Weiser Books (Vartan)


Sue Bowes
A practical, modern-day grimoire (or book of magical recipes, rituals, and incantations) showing how easy and pleasurable it is to incorporate the age-old ways of the wise woman into the demanding life of any contemporary woman. It ranges from exploring sexual archetypes to harmonizing the home, pepping up culinary delights, planting and harvesting, and understanding the influence of astrological and numerological cycles. Bowes underlines the importance of supporting each other by forming ongoing sisterhoods and exploring new ways of working in harmony with each other. This is not, however, a book about magical spells. It is instead a book about feminine ritual magic, a book that brings the meaning of respect, appreciation, and reverence back to our world. Bibliography. Index.

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