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> Voodoo Doll Spellbook, The: A Compendium of Ancient and Contemporary Spells and Rituals [Paperback]
Voodoo Doll Spellbook, The: A Compendium of Ancient and Contemporary Spells and Rituals [Paperback]
Voodoo Doll Spellbook, The: A Compendium of Ancient and Contemporary Spells and Rituals [Paperback]
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ISBN 1578635543 RWW
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Denise Alvarado (Author), Dorothy Morrison (Foreword) The Pin Is Mightier Than the Sword "Denise Alvarado is a true hoodoo mamba home girl who burned hioctane conjure in New Orleans where she grew up, and on visits to relatives in the Mississippi bayous, where she was formally introduced to the Voodoo/hoodoo path. Called by the spirits and taught conjuration by family members, she was working the goofer from five years old. That's some serious heat. Denise is no pretender. She's for real. She fixes the formulas, raises the spirits, calculates the mathematics, and works wonders at the old dirt track crossroads." --Doktor Snake, author of Doktor Snake's Voodoo Spellbook When it comes to Voodoo, few things are more iconic than the Voodoo doll. Known also as conjure dolls, doll babies, dollies, baby dolls, poppets, fetich, fetish, and effigies, they are servants of fastacting, longlasting magic. If you are seeking a new job or new friends, need to find your one true love or keep your lover at home, wish to be rid of your enemies or protect yourself from thievery, in these pages you will find the doll and the spell to do just that and more. Drawing not only on New Orleans Voodoo and hoodoo traditions, Alvarado also presents doll spellwork from ancient Greece, Egypt, Malaysia, Japan, Africa, and the European grimoires of old magic. You'll learn how to make, use, and properly dispose of your Voodoo doll. Be warned: this is some of the most effective magic that exists so be ready to reap what you are about to sow, or in this case, sew!
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