Usui Reiki Set (Blue Aventurine)
Usui Reiki Set (Blue Aventurine)

Usui Reiki Set (Blue Aventurine)

Your Price: $18.00
Retail Price:$20.00
Your Savings:$2.00(10%)
In Stock
Part Number:BIN1002
A 4 set of Blue Aventurine Usui Reiki stones. Approx. 1 1/2" x 1 1/4" in size, with minor variations in size and shape. Comes with a pouch to store them in.

Use these wonderful pieces to aid in your Healing Work, Energy Grid, Reiki Teaching, etc.

Cho Ku Rei
Power Symbol
Intention - Light Switch
Purposes - Manifestation; Increased Power, Accelerated Healing, Healing Catalyst

Sei Hei Ki
Harmony Symbol
Intention - Purification
Purposes - Cleansing, Protection, Mental and Emotional Healing

Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen
Connection Symbol
Intention - Timelessness
Purposes - Distant Healing, Past/Present/Future, Healing Karma, Spiritual Connection

Dai Ko Myo
Master Symbol
Intention - Enlightenment
Purposes - Empowerment, Soul Healing, Oneness

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