May All People and Pigs Be Happy [Hardcover]
May All People and Pigs Be Happy [Hardcover]

May All People and Pigs Be Happy [Hardcover]

Your Price: $5.00
Retail Price:$17.95
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Part Number:ISBN 1623173892 2500
Micki Fine Pavlicek (Author), John Pavlicek (Illustrator)

Pigalina teaches Claire the loving-kindness meditation to help Claire embrace the world with compassion and caring

May All People and Pigs Be Happy follows seven-year-old Claire and her stuffed animal Pigalina. From Pigalina, Claire learns a simple meditation that helps her to feel kinder toward herself and spread caring and love to others. The loving-kindness meditation can be practiced by anyone regardless of religion to cultivate loving presence, friendship, tenderness, and love. This book is perfect for those with or without a background in the loving-kindness meditation.

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