Martial Arts for Beginners
Martial Arts for Beginners

Martial Arts for Beginners

Your Price: $5.00
Retail Price:$11.00
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Part Number:ISBN 0863161715 94400


Sieh, Ron
Martial Arts For Beginners is an overview of the martial arts of China, Okinowa, Japan, Indonesia, Korea, Thailand, the Phillipines, and Brazil. It surveys their history, mythology, and technique, along with their evolutions from life-and-death fighting arts to "sports". Martial Arts For Beginners is a unique in answering such questions as what all the martial arts have in common, what their differences are, what separates the so-called "hard style" and "soft style", the "internal" and "external". Martial Arts For Beginners also makes a distinction between martial arts for competition, spiritual development, and learning how to fight. It includes practical information like when an experienced martial artist can know it's time for a new teacher, and how to interview prospective instructors before committing to one. Martial Arts For Beginners shows how mind-skills for successful living are develop from the right kind of martial arts.

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