La Quietud Habla: Stillness Speaks, Spanish-Language Edition
La Quietud Habla: Stillness Speaks, Spanish-Language Edition

La Quietud Habla: Stillness Speaks, Spanish-Language Edition

Your Price: $5.00
Retail Price:$12.95
Your Savings:$7.95(61%)
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Part Number:ISBN 1577314476 2200 93900


Eckhart Tolle
Stillness Speaks, written by bestselling author Eckhart Tolle, conveys a timely and transformational message. Taking the form of 200 individual entries, it is organized into ten topic clusters that range from "Who You Truly Are" to "Acceptance and Surrender" and "Relationships." The entries vary from a few sentences to nearly a page. Each one is concise and complete in itself, and serves as a valuable pointer to the truth while standing as its own teaching or meditation.

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