Jung: A Journey of Transformation: Exploring His Life and Experiencing His Ideas [Hardcover]
Jung: A Journey of Transformation: Exploring His Life and Experiencing His Ideas [Hardcover]

Jung: A Journey of Transformation: Exploring His Life and Experiencing His Ideas [Hardcover]

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Part Number:ISBN 0835607828 12000


Vivianne Crowley (Author)
Come along on an engaging journey to explore the spiritual psychology of Carl Gustav Jung, whose insight into the nature of the psyche is one of the great legacies of our time. His work has profoundly influenced our concept of ourselves, the renewal of interest in world mythologies, and the inception of the twelve-step program---one of the most widespread spiritual practices of today. Jung believed our primary purpose is to fulfill our deep, innate potential, just as the acorn becomes the oak, or the caterpillar, the butterfly. Only in this way can we become a true individual and contribute meaningfully to the world. In his study of Christianity, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, and other traditions, Jung saw this transformative journey at the heart of all religions; that is, in meeting our innermost being, we also meet the Divine. This lively, entertaining text beckons the reader with simple explanations of Jung's major concepts and lighthearted exercises for self-discovery.

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