Integrative Manual Therapy, for the Upper and Lower Extremities
Integrative Manual Therapy, for the Upper and Lower Extremities

Integrative Manual Therapy, for the Upper and Lower Extremities

Your Price: $15.00
Retail Price:$65.00
Your Savings:$50.00(77%)
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Part Number:ISBN 1556432607 16900


Weiselfish-Giammatteo, Sharon
This book includes a description of treatment for the peripheral joints to improve joint mobility, articular balance and vertical dimensions of the intra-articular space. Newly developed Muscle Energy and 'Beyond' Technique is outlined with illustrations and photographs. Treatment of protective muscle spasm and spasticity with Strain and Counterstrain Technique is covered with explanations for application and integration. Soft Tissue and Articular Myofascial Release are presented. Tendon Release Therapy and Ligament Fiber Therapy are new and exciting approaches for physical medicine and rehabilitation. Pressure Sensor Therapy to normalize foot/ground forces transcribed up the leg during standing and ambulation is presented. This book provides a comprehensive rehabilitation program for upper and lower extremity pain and disability.

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