Did I Say That Out Loud? (RWW)
Did I Say That Out Loud? (RWW)

Did I Say That Out Loud? (RWW)

Your Price: $11.42
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Part Number:ISBN 1558965092-RWW Red Wheel Weiser (Vartan)


Meg Barnhouse
In her newest collection of essays, Meg Barnhouse writes about everyday events, rendering them spiritual. At Big Bills U-Store, an auction of rummage items prompts Barnhouse to dream up an emotional baggage sale:

"Sweating strangers stand over piles of other peoples sorrows and pain, along with my old resentments, worn stories of betrayal and missed chances. I pictured walking away from a pile of that baggage, leaving it there on the hot asphalt."

Drawing from both her personal experience and her insights as a minister and therapist, Barnhouse urges readers to let go of regrets and stress about the future and to surrender to circumstance during times of conflict. Her motto: Dont just do something, stand there.

Barnhouses humorous and hopeful message is that faith in family, friends, and ones self, rather than sudden actions, provides the guidance necessary to weather lifes problems and personal struggles.

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