Awakening to the Infinite: Essential Answers for Spiritual Seekers from the Perspective of Nonduality [Paperback]
Awakening to the Infinite: Essential Answers for Spiritual Seekers from the Perspective of Nonduality [Paperback]

Awakening to the Infinite: Essential Answers for Spiritual Seekers from the Perspective of Nonduality [Paperback]

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Part Number:ISBN 158394866X 6800
Swami Muktananda of Rishikesh (Author)

Raised as a Catholic and educated in the West, then trained as a monk in India since the 1980s, Canadian author Swami Muktananda of Rishikesh is uniquely positioned to bring the Eastern tradition of Vedanta to Western spiritual seekers. In Awakening to the Infinite, he answers the eternal question posed by philosophical seekers, "Who am I?" with straightforward simplicity. Based on the ancient teachings of advaita or nondualityï¾—the understanding that, at a fundamental level, there is no division between ourselves and othersï¾—the answers in the book are drawn from the many conversations Swami has had throughout the years with individuals from different backgrounds, cultures, and walks of life. Covering a range of subjects from the spiritual path to everyday problems at work and in relationships, sexuality, parenting, physical illness, and social injustice, Muktananda communicates directly and compassionately, from the standpoint of someone who is anchored in the infinite but fully in touch with the world.

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