Applied Anatomy of Aerial Arts: An Illustrated Guide to Strength, Flexibility, Training, and Injury Prevention [Paperback]
Applied Anatomy of Aerial Arts: An Illustrated Guide to Strength, Flexibility, Training, and Injury Prevention [Paperback]

Applied Anatomy of Aerial Arts: An Illustrated Guide to Strength, Flexibility, Training, and Injury Prevention [Paperback]

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Part Number:ISBN 1623172169 1900
Emily Scherb (Author)

An illustrated guide to anatomy and biomechanics for aerialists who want to optimize their performance and train safely

Specifically designed for aerialistsï¾—including those who do trapeze, silks, and other aerial artsï¾— Applied Anatomy of Aerial Arts is an invaluable resource for those who want to optimize their performance and train safely.

Using a biomechanical and movement-based approach, Emily Scherbï¾—a physical therapist who specializes in the care, treatment, and education of circus performersï¾—explains the anatomical rationale for progressions of learning and demonstrates simple movements to achieve the coordination, muscular control, strength, and fitness to hang with correct form, how to progress from hanging into a pull up, an inversion, and beyond with a strong center, precise muscle sequencing, and ease of movement.

Aerialists will learn how bones, joints, muscles, and soft tissues allow for specific movements and gain an appreciation for concepts of proximal stability.

This full-color illustrated guide lays a solid foundation for beginners and advanced students with a wealth of insights into their own performance as well as refreshers on fundamentals in warm ups and conditioning. It explains how to structure a training session, how to care for injuries, and best practices for basic self first aid.

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