Apocalypse of Baruch and the Assumption of Moses (RWW)
Apocalypse of Baruch and the Assumption of Moses (RWW)

Apocalypse of Baruch and the Assumption of Moses (RWW)

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Part Number:ISBN 157863363X-RWW Weiser Books (Vartan)


Robert Henry Charles
Writing at the time of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 ad, Baruch converses directly with God in a series of visions. The fall of Jerusalem is given as part of a larger end-of-the-world scenario. Baruch then receives prophecy: periods of light and darkness shall come, symbolized by rains bright and black, corresponding to alternating times when humanity lives in peace and harmony, then dark periods when evil reigns. Of particular note is the apocalypse when the Messiah appears again on earth. This alternate tale of the apocalypse inspires hopeevil is punished, condemned to hell and cast off the earth, while those "left behind" are actually the righteous who will enjoy, literally, heaven on earth. Obviously a differing view from the currently in-vogue idea of "rapture."

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